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Creating learning experiences, teaching blue collar employees in interactive, memorable and effective ways. 

What we're making here are bite sized, game format stories and situations in a digital environment in order to help employees of various companies learn something (anything goes). These training courses teach staff work-related customs or soft skills. This can range from first aid, to how to use specific machinery, GDPR, driving a forklift, repairing a fusebox, how to actually use a fire extinguisher... You name it! This being an interactive digital counterpart to traditional offline seminars and the likes makes it easier to gather data, teach people in their own way, save money and make it stick more.

My Role

My role is the end-to-end care of the project. This process embraces sitting down with the client, conceptualizing and writing a storyboard and pouring it into a design document with iterative user-centered design in mind, informing team members and dividing tasks, implementing the concept in a game engine with custom tools like node-based programming and providing support (bugfixing and retrospective changes) to the client afterwards.


Some of my clients for these types of projects shown below.

Some of the organisations I have worked with

Designing original concepts end-to-end
Communications, storyboarding, concepting, user testing and implementation

Still here?  Here's two more games I made:

Why do Eye keep Falling?

In this game, you're an eyeball convinced he's a golf ball on a wacky 3D track. 

This is my favorite solo project I've made to date. I love spatial puzzle games and had a blast programming the physics and whatnot for the interactive blocks that the player has to path out to get the ball to the pit.


I made Skyline with a classmate with our common goal being to bring the retro 'die-hard' arcade feel back with a new twist.
In this game you take on eachother in an endless platformer where you collect bullets and have the possibility to slow down, speed up and shoot at your opponent.

My main role in this project was programming.

Retro arcade game, Skyline.

Game Based Learning

Want to see more?

You can download the two games above on my

There's more games I did not cover on this page, such as boardgames, card games and more digital endeavors including VR. Feel more than free to contact me for a more in-depth chat about my other work!

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